
keeping my head in the game

Once a person looks out over the beautiful summit they look down and it is steep they are and high and they have to stay focused so they don't fall.  That is me.  It is amazing what kinds of things can trip me up.

1. Other peoples opinions and advice.  I include my own advice to all of you out there.  The other day I heard Marci Lock say "you only need to do weights three times a week".  Not bad advice right?  But, I start to question whether my not broken Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday routine needs to be changed.  Doubting myself is a sure way to slip up and when you are on a high mountain...not good.

FIX:  Keep my positive chant ready to go.  You can't chant too much. 

2.  An emotional eruption.  I never know when or where the emotion might come from but "drama" can take my focus and flush it down the toilet.  It is not so much that I binge eat out of emotions but when I am stressed emotionally, it is like my whole body is tense and I hold on the calories or something.  All my numbers can look good on paper but the scale has a different tale.

FIX:  Recognize the "drama".  Sometimes I may need a night with the girls...hint hint.  Sometimes a good movie.  Sometimes a new bottle of nail polish.  This understanding is new for me.  I am really working on this one.  A while back I Tivo'd P.S. I Love You because I knew it would come in handy.  It did.  A few weeks later a cuddle on the couch with a treat and a blubbery cry was just the ticket for the emotion bringing me down.

3.  Be real.  I need to remember that being on the top is a not a single number.  It is more of a spectrum.  For me, 131 to 134 is my best.  When I see 135 in the morning I know I am slipping a little.  More than what the scale says though, I have to evaluate my thoughts, feelings and attitudes.  Sometimes the extra pound or so are from a nice dinner out.  Sometimes it comes from a fall and that is when I have to hang on with all my might to keep it from becoming deadly.

FIX:  This is why logging helps me so much.  If I can see the numbers it helps my mind to be in the right place. 

I guess it is all summed up in one phrase.  Stay positive.  I wish this came easier to me.  I can genuinely see all the positives others have to offer but I have the hardest time doing that for myself.  I would really like to acquire that gift - someday.

P.S.  Speaking of skinny jeans, Vicki, Forever 21 has awesome Jeggins.  They are soooo comfy and are forgiving of a minor slip off the mountain.         


  1. Great tips no matter where you are in the process. I think I need to get back to tracking. It will help me know where I'm at each day and also reacquaint me with calorie counts for each food type. When you have the knowledge, it gives you power.

  2. How true this is! I think i need to learn to say NO! When my (Life)plate is full i eat like garbage! Too busy to pay attention and definately LOG! i need to get refocused. I need to stay positive, love the chanting thing, i learned one way back in the day by a motivational speaker named Th.. oh i forgot, anyway, goes like this:

    I feel great, I feel Fine, I feel this way all the time!
    He recommended shouting it in the shower, kinda silly but it works. I think i will try yours tomorrow!
    As far as Girls night, i have a hot tub just waiting for the chance. I could use one myself! By the way my new phrase that everyone should know is:

    "I AM MAGNIFICANT!!!!" add that to your list!
    Thanks for writing!

  3. Tom Hopkins, that's his name, the motivational speaker! Like it really matters, Good stuff! He also says,"I will never take advice from anyone more messed up than i am" Love it. HAve a great night!
