
Oprah Farewell

I would not be me if I didn't take a quiet moment to say "farewell" to Oprah.  I have loved learning from her and zillions of her guests.  I swear Bob Greene would show up with new health inspiration whenever I needed it.  I would save those Tivo-ed episodes and watch them again again when I needed them. 

I have several episodes that I am not sure when or if I will ever delete them. Two Women Food and God episodes (watched one just the other day).  And, one from years ago about whether you should love your kids more than your husband - a great debate.

Thank you Oprah!  I was 11 when I first watched and I am so grateful for all you taught me.


B +

Along with my other recent posts, this is a little trick I believe in.  (I realized my tricks are more mental then food related and I like it that way)  When visualizing or self talking you need to stay on the positive side of things.  This is the number one reason why diets don't work permanently.  Diets focus mostly on what you can't eat and your brain doesn't compute can't.  You know when the waitress sets down a plate and says "careful, don't touch the plate it's hot" and you always give it a little touch.  Don't turns into do somewhere in the depths of our brains.

I would bet most overweight people, mostly women, go around all day thinking "I shouldn't eat that" or "there I go again eating or wanting that again" all negative interactions.  Try instead to add instead of subtract.  Say to yourself "I am going to add a handful of mini carrots or an apple or more water or a serving of whatever healthy to my diet everyday".  Focusing on that positive addition might just be the ticket to getting your mind on the positive side and once there...magic happens!



Oprah Show Genius

Bob Greene and Oprah
 Watched Oprah from yesterday and loved loved loved what Bob Greene had to say about weight loss.  If you can find May 10th's episode watch it.
Bob was talking about how two days ago he and Oprah were discussing something and he could tell it upset her.  She got up and took a bite of chocolate.  Even she didn't notice she had done that and she even tried to defend the little piece of chocolate because it was a small piece.  The point is that she shouldn't need anything when she feels bad.  No thing actually makes it better.   
Later on she asked a weight loss guest what she eats now verses then.  The guest tried to say she eats the same just healthier.  I get what she was saying.  The "what" doesn't mess with the equation when the "why" is taken out of it. 
 Below is the transcript

For Bob, dieting has never been the be-all, end-all quick fix to eliminating weight loss problems and keeping the weight off in the long run. "Weight is a symptom of something that needs to change," he said on The Oprah Show in 2003. "It's usually not simply about food."

As a part of making a commitment to lose weight, Bob says you should ask yourself three important questions to start off on the right track:

1. Why are you overweight?

The real answer to this question is not simply: I like food  - it goes much deeper, he says. "Are you in a toxic relationship? Do you hate what you do for a living? What is it about your life you would change?" Bob asks. "That answer is different for everyone. Get in touch with that."

2. Why do you want to lose weight?

The answer to this question will help you determine if you're beginning your weight loss journey with the right mindset, Bob says. "So many people [say], 'Oh, I have my reunion coming up,' or 'I get pressure from people at the workplace or my friends.' Those might get you going, but they'll never be long-term solutions," he explains. "The [best] answer to this question is, 'I want a better life for myself.'"

3. Why haven't you been successful to date?

If you have tried to lose weight in the past, Bob says it is important to explore the obstacles that have stood in your way to maintaining your goal weight. "It's about identifying what is going to trip you up, because the same things will trip you up if you haven't resolved the heart of the issue," he says.

If you can answer those questions honestly, Bob says, you are truly ready to begin.

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Picture This

I have read and heard in several different places this notion of picturing food to curb cravings.  I know it sounds crazy but I believe this.  Sometimes at night while I am falling asleep I think about what exact things I am craving at that moment - my perfect meal.  Sometimes I just need one bite of something.  For example, I may crave a nice cheeseburger (Hires Big H it is my all time most craviest meal)............sorry I was drooling a little.  Anyway, cheeseburger......sorry, I may want the whole Hires thing but then need just a bite of pepperoni pizza - okay maybe a few bites.  I may want a bite of lemon square and then a whole brownie (you gotta balance out the tart and sweet). 

I found that the more I visualized my meal the less I really wanted.  Instead of a whole cheeseburger I would only really need a few bites.  I think this "practicing" helped me to understand my craving and learn to differentiate them from hunger.   Most of the time our hunger should not be answered with cravings.  If you are craving, first analyze your hunger then take care of the hunger then move on to the cravings.  I am a believer in cravings.  I think they are a signal that something is needed.  It may be a memory we are craving or a mineral but it is important.   However, we are never craving the agony of overeating unless something else is wrong.  Taking time for yourself to figure yourself out is key to permanent weight loss.  You cannot lie to yourself very long.

On the flip side, visualizing the healthy you works as well.  See yourself with full understanding of yourself.  See yourself eating better and wanting to exercise.  You will not see success overnight with either of these tricks but if you graphed success over time you would see a change and ever little bit helps:D 


Women's Health Magazine

Last Wednesday I did something awesome!  I am being featured in the September issue of Women's Health magazine and that day was the photo shoot. 

The article has been several months in the making.  Two lengthy phone interviews and several dozen emails.  All the people I worked with were fantastic.  I was surprised at how up-beat and kind everyone was.  They never left an email hanging.  There was always a "thank you" or "your welcome".  The photographer was great.  He knows how to make a girl feel like she should be in a magazine.   

As for Women's Health.  I really and genuinely love the magazine.  I am more of a flipper than a reader but I read almost every article.  It is like Good Housekeeping, Shape, and a little bit of People all in one.  You can check it out here.      

I promise this is my last sales least for a while;D


Another great book

I was away on a girls' getaway and found Tres talking about her book.  With just a few words we connected and she "gets it".  Her book is entitled  Miracle Pill 10 Truths to Healthy, Thin, & Sexy by Tres Prier Hatch.  You can buy it here.  It is full of great truths and I can't wait to get my copy.