
Shall We Play A Game?

I have been a little heavy the last few posts and I want to loosen up a little.  I have wanted to play a little game for a while.  I have been logging my food for over two years now.  Shout out a date and I will tell you what I ate that day.  I have often said it is not about the food and I am here to prove my case.  I dare you to stump me with a day that I didn't enjoy myself - this from a girl that literally ate chocolate chip cookies for dinner:D


  1. Anonymous11:33 AM

    How about 11/23/2009?

  2. Alright. :) How about 10/25/09?

  3. Okay...April 22nd 2009...what did you eat to celebrate my bday??

  4. Okay, it is driving me nuts that you haven't got a comment on this post. I read your blog often and I get grouchy when I get no I should stop being a hypocrite ;)

    What did you eat on May 23rd, 2009?

    And thank you for the info on the blue light.
    I get winter blues and if it works, it may be just what the doctor ordered to get me through another season of snow.

    BTW - I am Ange's sister in law and (hopefully) she can vouch that I am not a nut ;)
