
Miss Stake is in everyone's mirror

Remember? I have a love for Celine Dion and her music?  I think she is the most talented singer on the radio.  I love talented people especially ones that can play an instrument or write lyrics but her voice...speechless.

Once my hubby gave me a DVD of Celine's show in Vegas (the first time around - saw it, loved it) along with a insiders look at her making of her newest album Taking Chances.  That gift has been a piece of my success throughout my weight loss journey.  As I was watching her record her hits I realized that even Celine Dion makes mistakes and has to practice.  I noticed how she had to write notes on her music to keep herself from not making the same mistakes again and again.  Also, it took at least a day to record one song which means lots of mistakes.  I figure that if Celine, who is the best singer, makes mistakes then I can and will to and that is ok.

My sweet hubby told me yesterday that life is hard and it is full of stress and anxiety and there is always at least two kinds to choose from.  He is so right. I attached the same sanity to weight loss.  I can choose the stress of watching what I eat or I can choose to be stressed about my weight - there is no easy happy medium.  For some reason that gives me peace.  But, no matter which I choose, a mistake will happen and that is part of the ride.


  1. You're right - it is a choice!
    About a year ago, at my highest weight EVER, I started jotting down a list of 'reasons to lose weight', and gave myself 2 minutes to do it. I came up with 23 right off the bat. Then I wrote down the reasons why not to lose weight. There were only 2......I really ENJOY the taste of not-so-healthy foods, and #2 - it's hard
    So, in a few strategic places I've put a little note with 23 vs. 2 written on it. And that continues to help me realize that (although I'm not not not perfect at it by any means) - When I CHOOSE NOT to eat healthy and exercise as I should, there are 23 things STRESSING me out and consuming my thoughts. That's a consequence of my choices.

    Yes it is hard to choose a healthier way sometimes, but in so many ways it SHOULD be easier (I'm still waiting for it to be all the way easy though :)
    Thanks for your ever inspiration!
