
Lunch Idea

Lunch is always my hardest meal.  I try to have a go-to but every once in a while you need a change and a new go-to is not always waiting.  I find that if I have one thing that excites me then I am usually ok. 

Yesterday I took some tomatoes, English cucumbers (big difference, believe me), red onion, blue cheese, balsamic, olive oil, salt and pepper and made a little salad.  A side of cottage cheese, maybe a fresh cooked tortilla and YUuuM!  Also, try a little salsa mixed with your cottage cheese sometime (maybe not with the salad), totally YUM! 


  1. I'll have to try the salsa and cottage cheese thing. That sounds yum-o!

  2. GREAT idea!
    Lunch is a hard one for me too. PB on bread with a vegetable on the side is always the easiest for me, but, just like one packet of oatmeal for breakfast - some days you just want a little CHANGE!
