
...things I wish someone had told me when I was overweight and I had believed them.

1.  You can eat desserts and still maintain a healthy weight.  (yours may be chips)

2.  You can have a muffin top at any weight and in any size pant so love the one you got:D

3.  There is never a time where you feel completely done.  This is a lifestyle - a never ending fight that you can either hate or embrace.  Choose embrace.

4.  It is possible to look in the mirror and be proud.  You might have to choose to be proud, making a conscience effort, but you can still feel proud.

5.  Some days, even at a smaller weight, you will still have to choose in the mirror.

6.  You can actually enjoy food more while slimming down - in fact it is a key factor in weight loss.

7.  You have more in common with that skinny chick than you think.  She isn't disgusted by you.  She has her own issues she is worried about.  You are the one with the ego thinking everyone gives a  #*&)$%  how much you weigh. 

8.   You can and will lose the weight and you will feel more powerful than you can imagine!


  1. I like the 1st and 2nd one... eat treats and love your muffin top. :) Of course, maybe if I didn't eat treats, I wouldn't have 'as big' as a muffin top. :)

  2. Wow, I really loved this post. I can vouch for you're having realized each of these truths and the hard mental work it took. My favorite truth is #7 because life really applies pressure to everybody living it. Once you overcome one problem, you're on to the next. Everybody has problems to face so I will try to have more compassion.
