
Schoolin' Myself

School has begun around our house.  It is time once again to get back into the hustle and bustle of life.  Truthfully, I love it.  I am a schedule girl.  I would love a secretary (is that an insulting word?  I never know - assistant maybe?) that hands me my tasks for the day all laid out with their appointed times.  Predictability.  I crave it. 

Unfortunately, I have one more craving I have to fight in order to stay thin.  In the past this need for a schedule sabotaged my routine again and again.  I would get all stressed out when I began an exercise routine because I would worry about when I would get sick or when I would be having my period.  I feel so uneasy when I break my routine.  I really need to work on it.

Today, for example, was the first day of school and I walked the kids to school before I exercised.  Once I got home I was ready to dig into the sticky, crunchy, dirty mess that has built up over the summer.  I was not in the mood to exercise. Plus, my Ipod was out of battery.  I bargained I would just do what I could.  I decided I would stop every 2 and 1/2 minutes for a weight set and repeat for as long as I had sets to do.  I liked it.  I seemed to work a little harder as well.  I started to stress a little.  "What does this mean.  Should I change my routine?"  For me, it takes a conscience effort to just take one day at a time and "just see how it goes".

It always amazes me the challenges that can face our efforts to be healthy.  Everyone has them and they are probably as unique as the individuals we are.  Taking time to meditate and identify some of your particular challenges can help your success come to stay. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh I envy you a bit. I sincerely have loved every single ounce of the 'non-routine-ness' of Summer.
    So much harder for me to 'make' time for exercise once school starts - the schedule starts bright and early in the morning, and seems to be filled until dark. Maybe if I could learn to love the treadmill that would help?
    But I SO SO SO enjoy running OUTside - but alas (and DRAT!) - not as easy to do that now.
