
My Souvenir


We spent 7 nights and 8 days on vacation this last week.  We had a great time.  I didn't feel like I went crazy or anything but I knew when I got on the scale a number would appear that I wasn't thrilled about.  One hundred and forty (spelling it looked better to me) was the first number that greeted me.  This morning I am at 137.  Time to battle back.  It always amazes me how eating out effects me so much.  I am going to log my weight for a while so that I, and you, can see how it will play out.   

Wish me luck, I am off to exercise for the first time in a week and I am not looking forward to it:/


  1. I'm so glad you had fun. Our weeks sound like they were about the same as far as working out goes. However, I'm guessing the yummy treats at Disney were much more fun than my long car ride. :) I hear ya on being up. We'll see where the week takes us. Lunch? What works for you?

  2. SUPER fun for you guys! Disneyland is truly one of those 'most happy' places ever......LOVE THAT PLACE!
    And although the scale may say you are a little up from where you were when you left, I'm pretty sure that you are the only one who'd be able to see a difference. Sincerely - you always seem to look fabulous!

  3. Oh fun for you guys! Disneyland is magical. I agree with Ange, I'm sure nobody would even notice but you. :) You're great to keep going though!
