
Big Deal

The truth about weight loss is...   no more are the days I can have a big stack of pancakes drenched in butter and syrup.  Or, if I do then they become "big deals".  As much as I would like to fight this truth I can't fight facts. 

The goal is to get to the point where the desire to be healthy becomes stronger than the desire to eat the pancakes.  This  miraculous change (who doesn't love a good stack of pancakes?) does not come from the weight magically being gone and especially not from shear force.  It comes from knowing who you are and loving every butt, I mean bit, of it;)  It is a leap of faith to believe this is true but those of us on the other side can lend a parachute and help you get here.   You are a "big deal" to the universe.   

I have "big deal"  foods a lot.  They are not as scarce as you might think.  If a slice of cake breaks your bank then maybe your idea of the size of that bank needs to change.  We are not all supposed to look alike - not the same shape or size.  Finding the balance between enjoying life and having a healthy body is the ultimate "big deal"!    

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