
Give Yourself a Great Night Out!

I have been toying with an idea for a while and Wednesday's Oprah was the thing that pushed me to move ahead with it.  I have teamed up with Alicia Richmond to do a workshop about looking great and feeling great.  Weight is not just about eating too much food.  Our bodies are constructed to not allow us to overeat.  Our minds, however, have no such restriction.  Food hugs our insides and fills our lives when we feel empty.  I believe wholeheartedly that one cannot successfully lose weight while any self loathing exists.  I could preach and teach, hand out meal plans and diet pills and never fix what is really broken.  Being skinny does not make life easy or better.  Making life "easier" and "better" really comes first.   

 Alicia and I have worked together on several occasions and what I love about her is that she helps you see your positive attributes - everyone has them.  I heard this quote lately "we are all good at something and only together are we perfect".  I believe that makes sense physically as well.  There is not a single person alive that looks at themselves buck naked in the mirror and loves everything they see.  Not one.  And, I would venture there isn't a person alive that looks in the mirror and sees their positive attributes before a good going over of the negative ones. Yet, the positives are there. You, right there reading this, have attributes that others admire and even covet - thinking their lives would be complete if only they had your_______! 

This workshop will do two things.  Alicia will work with you and point out your strengths as well as your body type.  Then she shows you how to work with your strengths.  She asks that you bring 6 items or 3 outfits that she can help you with.  She sends you home with a kit, a million tips and a higher self-esteem.

As for me, I go into my tips on losing weight and feeling great.  I cover basic food choices but really try to map out living a healthier lifestyle that is tailored for you by you.  My goal is to send you home empowered!

  There will be fun and food and a whole lot of info.  The class will cost $45 and seating is limited.  The where and when is TBA, but I am way excited!  

Email me at to reserve a spot or for any questions.


  1. How awesome! I love this!

  2. Mechelle, that so great! I'm so proud of you!

  3. Hey Mechelle - what a great idea! I'm on the band wagon again and have started watching my calories - I'm sick of feeling "blah". I would love to come, when is it?
