
Day 14

Today's weight 133.8

This challenge has been harder than I thought.  I have never scrutinized myself so much and it is making me eat worse instead of better.  Maybe this is why diets don't work.  But, today I feel great.  I was able to sleep in today for the first time in ages.  AAhhh!  The kids are off for spring break and I have loved the break from the chaos of school work and packing lunches and reading minutes and volunteering.  On that note, the other day my sweetie took the kids to the store for a few things.  He let them each pick out a fruit for their very own.  One chose a Fuji apple (had to be Fuji), one a pineapple and the other a cantaloupe.  The other kid was home with me.  They have been going crazy on this kind of stuff this week.  I have been buying all natural fruit leather and dried fruit instead of fruit snacks,  all natural chips and crackers, just better choices.  Even my littlest sugar addict has loved it.  We have had plenty of sugar snacks (as you well know) but at least some good foods are getting in there as well.   

Breakfast - 2 pieces of fiber wheat bread with peanut butter and honey
292 calories

Lunch - my Silk chocolate shake with frozen berries
252 calories

Snack - 1 large pear
96 calories

Dinner - Caribbean chicken with rice
493 calories

I am way under today but I feel good and have no desire to eat so I am sticking with it. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you were way under. I was way over. :) I had chocolate chip cookies for dinner. :) :) :) They were delish.

    I love the pick a fruit idea. I wonder if my kids will go for that. I'll have to give it a try.
