
Day 7

Forgot to weight 135.2 later in the morning.

So, before I start can I say this has been a crazy day.  Errands here and there and I was never still.  I feel fine.  I am not hungry or  have the munchies at all.  I am grateful for that.

Breakfast - I entered about 5 sugar cookies hopefully that is high.  When they come in quarters it is hard to tell
400 calories

Lunch - fat free kettle corn and a caffeine free diet Dr Pepper
125 calories

Dinner - Homemade chicken stuffing casserole with veggies
I estimated at 500 but think it is high

night time snack - 7-11 Sugar free apple mango Slurpee (yum) and nachos
550 calories

Dessert - 1 serving of Godiva pearls - still on the same little container.
25 calories

I still have 41 calories to spare above my break even point - not bad for a horrible eating day.  I really need to create a plan for Wednesdays:/

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is.... DUDE! (said of course with a huge smile and laughter in my voice.)

    Okay, so this will be the test. I've had days like that and the next morning, my scale is up at least two pounds due to the water and sugar. Plus (maybe this is TMI), but after days like that my "gut" is bloated and huge. I am super sensitive to sugar. Anywho.... it will be interesting to see your day after numbers.

    If they come in the same or lower, I think I may just go and eat a bag of Cadburry dark eggs out of revolt. :)
