

People have asked me what I think of using pills for weight loss. Here is my answer. The only thing I have against pills is that there might exist a feeling that one can not do it and therefore needs a pill. I am always saying to my kids "if you think you can or you think you can't you will be right". Even that hint of skepticism in yourself is the difference between long-term success and failure. There is no pill that is going to make you know that you can do it and that, I promise you, is the real key.

You are not doomed to a life of obesity just because you don't want to do what it takes to lose weight. Who likes to get sweaty and say no to yummy foods? (these are not true by the way).  You can change your thinking. You can! How many things have you grown to like that when you were a kid you would not touch. You changed your mind.  Let your mind think thoughts like "what if I liked exercising" or "what if I liked carrots" (yes these were some of mine) or whatever is hard for you.   Just consider these things for a while. Let them bounce around your head. Imagine what life would be like. Surely, you can do this...much.

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