
Making a Realistic Goal

One day I was sitting in the bubble bath with my then 5 year old son. I looked at him and realized he had my perfect dream body. Yep, throw in a couple of silicone implants and wha la, perfection. It was then I realized my goal was a little off.
Take some time to really decide where your realistic goal is. I was really hoping to just get below 150 pounds. I haven't been a size 3 since I was 3. I will not be a 3 for the rest of my life. But, I will be at my personal best. I always say, “you only have to convince one person of anything, you”. Stop with the comparing!! When someone verbalizes (and only verbalizes, you can't read other's thoughts) a put down, use your veto power. It is only true when you accept it. Livin' in your own world is bliss.

This is my son at 6. I would still kill for that flat contoured belly. That smooth tight skin. But, alas, I have birthed four children and, in my mind, could rival Kate Gosslin before the free tummy tuck (this picture is forgiving and even then...yikes). Any pity from plastic surgeons will be gladly accepted so I can go on to another less than perfect body part to obsess over;D

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