
Just Call Me Sybil...on a diet (google the movie if you don't know what I am talking about)

I decided I have three very notable eating personalities.  I have been keeping track pretty closely but would not be surprised if a fourth showed up or even a fifth. 

One personality that shows up wants to eat anything and everything.  She is HUNGRY.  She is my least favorite.  No matter what I eat it is never enough.  I have learned to tread water and just wait it out.  The worst thing I can do is to guilt myself during this manic period.  Guilt and shame only prolongs the problem.  Worst case scenario I gain a couple of pounds when she shows up.  I learn to embrace the hunger because it is NOT going away>(

The next personality is a sweet one - meaning she only wants sweets.  She is not interested in being full and doesn't really feel hunger.  She just wants what she wants and a lot of the time sweets are what she wants.  This "type" is easier to deal with but again with the guilt - can't go there.  I find that if I feed this girl what she wants she doesn't stay long - maybe just a day or two.  She tires easily that is for sure.  No one wants any one thing for very long.  I still try to stick with my calories which is doable.  At least she isn't hungry - weird but true. 

The third is my favorite.  She gets a kick out of healthy. She likes to find the best deals when it comes to food meaning great food for little calories.  She enjoys her food more than the other two and the scale always likes when she visits.  She will stay a while but like Julia Roberts on The Runaway Bride, if you break her concentration she high tails it out of there.  Eating late or when she really isn't hungry sends her on her merry way.   

I have yet to figure out when, where and how I can control all their visits.  Exercise is a key factor but every once in a while things get a shake up with no apparent reason.  Figuring out your different eating, exercising or whatever personalities helps to keep yourself in control, remembering that control is more a spectrum than an exact.  


  1. I totally relate with this post. Lately, (several days in a row - maybe a week) I've been very familiar with Sugar Jen - M&M's for dinner etc. Today... I'm back on the wagon. I hope my will power stays and sugar Jen doesn't return for a least.... a day or two. :)

  2. Anonymous1:15 AM

    I'm new to your blog, but as I was reading just 3 weeks ago, I started walk/jogging....not so much because I want to lose the 10 pounds of after baby but because I got tired of feeling tired. I can relate as well, I think I'm possessed with the Sybil syndrome. LOL Good movie.
