
Michael Jackons Gift to Mechelle

This is kind of a weird post for this blog but I feel so strongly about this.  Since Michael Jackson died I have cried many tears.  Even a year later I still get emotional when I see segments on TV about him.  Sure, I loved Michael.  I remember sitting on my sister's water bed watching the grammys and seeing the moonwalk for the first time.  His white glove would send chills down my young spine and Thriller was the first music video I ever saw.  I believe the tears come from a remembrance of those memories - as any vivid childhood memories would. 

More than the whole Michael Jackson of it, there is so much more.  I hear so many people, both famous and not, calling him genius, kind, wonderful and many other complimentary statements.  All, I am sure, are true but the tragedy of it is that if he were here and when he was here the acceptable response to him was one of contempt, pity or even disgust - the sure-bet punchline of a joke.  Why does death change a person?  Why do we wait until someone dies before we take time to appreciate them? Why do we get off on judging and putting down other people?  What is the gain there - really?

This is the legacy Michael Jackson has left for me, little Mechelle the girl trying to maintain her weight loss.  I hope I can see what people have to offer and then let them know.  I hope to find the genius in others and then speak of that genius.  I have a renewed understanding that acknowledging another's genius does not diminish me or my genius, in fact it enhances it. Try it and see.  Compliment someone today and feel the magic!

1 comment:

  1. I love that. I've thought the same thing about Michael many times. My first video too... such an icon.

    Thanks for the great thought. It is perfect and so true
