

Exercise is a big conversation with many many opinions. So, since I am the one talking I am going to give mine.

I believe that exercise needs to be handled a bit more delicately than everyone thinks. If you are trying to lose weight as apposed to getting in shape a delicate balance is required.  Although burning more calories than you consume is the overall idea to weight loss, adding a workout to justify the whole bag of Oreos will not get it done.  I feel like I preach this over and over but, look at the mindset going on.  Oreos are delicious but what is going on that you needed the whole bag?  If the thought of only a few Oreos makes you feel all sorts of sad and deprived there is more to the story than taste.  Sorry, but true. 

Also, our genius bodies are trying to budget as best it can the fuel coming in and going out.  When we push ourselves during exercise our bodies are burning burning  burning.  Afterward, our bodies can begin to panic and either slow down the burning process or trigger the hunger to bring in more fuel.  Either way we are sabotaging our efforts.

Learning to balance the food is the real point of focus.  Be careful with the exercise.  If you are just starting out, just start out with the exercise as well.  So many times we get all psyched about losing weight and first thing we do is hop on the treadmill and sweat like a pig.  We have "control" initially and power through the hunger but we can only power through for so long.  Making smaller sustainable (talking lifetime here) goals may not get you to the end of the race fast but the turtle was the actual winner remember.    

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