
Another Milestone part 2

It is official. There have been three distinct experiments.  My body has made the switch to needing healthier foods.  Since "summer" started I have been on a snacking frenzy.  I haven't really gone over on calories and I haven't gained weight really but I have eaten horribly.  Sadly, I have been eating more like I used to eat only less of it, which makes my stomach turn in and of itself.  I have eaten popcorn and Cheetos and more handfuls then platefuls and my body has made me pay.  Oohh the pain:/ 

I have mixed feelings about this new stomach of mine.  I am glad to need veggies and whole grains but right now I am fearful - such a huge milestone and I fear losing it.  I do love handfuls of cereal and cans of soda (diet, but still).  I guess I am sort of mourning that carefree life.  My new life takes some work and some planning but the payoff far exceeds the payout.  I am so grateful to have a body that does what I want it to do.  Some people don't have those choices because of circumstances not in their control.  Shame on me if I belittle my circumstances by taking advantage of them.

So, I guess "cheers to my new stomach - I am glad to have you on my side".

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