
Another Milestone

Two years ago this month was when I had my check up.  It was the first time I had had all my blood work done.  I was shocked to hear that my numbers were not all sunshine.  Remember, I never thought I had a weight problem, and didn't really.  I had birthed four humans out of this body - how could that not leave its mark?  I looked in the mirror and wished for that pre prego body but knew that I would not change having my little darlings for the world.

The doctor was not in panic mode.  He wanted to check the numbers in three months and sent me on my way.  I felt like I had been bonked in the head.  I remember being at a neighborhood party and being preoccupied with how much my life would change if I started medication to keep me alive and healthy at such a young age.  My mother always had health problems but since she carried a lot of weight I assumed I would take after my dad who's colds can be counted on one hand.

It was this kind of mindset I was in when Jennie walked herself into my house with a size 2 bod.  We had both had the same mom body.  No one would have ever looked at her and had any kind of reaction.  Jennie was just Jennie.  But, her numbers had motivated her and for some reason all of it motivated me.

Three months later my numbers were better and another three months was ordered.  After these three months the doctor was in pure amazement.   No one had ever reversed their numbers like this before.  He even asked me my methods for himself!

I am telling you people, this is not so much about size or the scale as it is feeling good and being healthy.  I feel a night and day difference in my body.  I am amazed at what my body can do.  I didn't know I was tired and achy after a walk until I wasn't.  Paying attention to what we put in our bodies has become an extreme lifestyle.  What?  (not to mention the why we put stuff into our bodies)

I honestly wish I had a magic wand that would make it all easy.  I would lend it out for free.  But, this learning journey has been such an exciting and wonderful one that I wish that for you more.  

1 comment:

  1. I keep going back to thinking, "it is never really over." It is always going to be something I think about (what I eat), because I have to do so. My numbers dictate that. With my family history, it is pretty much a done deal. The only control I have over the outcome is what I eat. Hopefully, if I do my part, modern medicine will do the rest.

    Speaking of which.... I need to get my numbers redone as well. Thanks for the reminder.
