
Shame on Shame

Jennie's comment the other day spurred a thought in my little head.  I hope and try to create a feeling of togetherness and understanding no matter what stage in the journey you are on.  Someone just starting may think that Molly (random name) several years into the journey has it made.  The look from someone's place to Molly's place may look so out of reach that it is beyond trying.  But, Molly's journey ahead of her, to her, looks endless as well.  That common feeling can bind us and help to motivate or it can put a wedge in between - we choose which. 
So, to those that have a hundred pounds I do not look down on you.  Believe me I am busy downing on myself.  I hope I can say something that can motivate you and your success helps motivate me.  I feel so strongly about losing the shame factor in this journey.  People are only "better" if you give them that title.  If you struggle ask someone you look up to in that area.  Push yourself beyond the fear and you will learn and gain power!

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