
Day 30!!!

This 30 day challenge has taught me a lot.  I started at 134.2 and ended at 134.4.  My average weight is 134.2.  I thought that was very interesting.  There are a few lessons to take away.  First, I ate what I wanted.  I did not starve myself or even deprive myself.  I watched it and made judgments on what, when and how I ate but it was all worth it.  I wished that I could have dropped a few pounds but I didn't.  I have two choices now.  I can either go strict for a while and hope that I can break through the plateau or I can be happy where I am at.  I never want my self worth to come from numbers so I will choose to be happy.

Last night was my hubby's last night of a class he has been taking and we celebrated with a late movie.  We saw Date Night , the perfect choice for the mood I was in.  I was feeling a little emotional (see yesterday's log for an understanding)  not getting the popcorn (I was practically raised on popcorn - really it is true) but, I made it to the previews and I was fine.  I have to say the guy's laughter behind us was half the fun.  I did have a bite of my husbands carnitas taco we picked up on the way home.  BTW, so unfair.  His meal calories are at least half of my day's worth.  Arrrg!          

My advice from this experience would be to really sit back, evaluate your life.  What really is possible and feasible?  Don't set expectations too high.  Don't continually beat yourself up day after day.  I hated it that a 135 sent panic through my body and a 132 would send a craving for a Big Mac.  I don't have to settle for those emotions - they can change.  If I can get on the scale once a week (or not) and just have it be a check-in and nothing more - how could that be bad?  No matter what the scale says, it's happy when I am happy and that is the true battle.  Feeling your best at your best.

I will continue to add a day here and there about what is going on but, I will stick with motivating, encouraging and hopefully educating.  If there are any recipes you want or questions, you can comment (anonymous if you like) or email me by clicking on my profile.  Cheers everyone!

Today I am giving myself a day off from exercise - just a little treat for enduring a long marathon:D 

1 comment:

  1. I'm lauging about you inhaling all of the candy while decorating the cake. I would have done the same thing. Too much temptation. :)

    I'm proud of you for doing this. You were brave to put it all out there like that. I think someone who might know you would think... okay....what is the big deal - 134lbs is awesome. Whey the stress.

    But... what people don't realize is that no matter if you want to lose 50 or 5lbs, depending upon where you are, it can be tough. I know.... I'm exactly where you are. Do I want to live in "tough mode" and being totally careful, or do I want to exercise, watch what I eat, but also not totally freak out if I have a peanut butter cup. :) Right now, I'm choosing the latter.

    So... it is hard. There are a couple of factors in play: stress, getting older, having kids and trying to reclaim your body etc. are just a few.

    Every day it is a choice. Thanks for sharing your choices with us. I've appreciated it. See you next week. eeeeee! Speaking of choices - mint brownies and choc covered cin. bears here I come. :)
