
Day 27

Today's weight 133.4

Last night I ended up having a good size handful of Lays lightly salted chips.  They were so good and hit the spot.  I was craving salt big time and could have eaten the whole bag - oh how I wanted to.  But, I have learned the fulfillment of the craving is really a dangling carrot.  Rarely do I feel satisfied.  Usually my brain is busy busy and downing a bag of chips only directs my brain to other matters - a yucky tummy or a whole lot of guilt, which does help the busy brain.  My youngest son used to come to me when he was hurt.  Those hurts that just take a few minutes and they are gone but to him, and to me, those minutes would last a lifetime.  Once I said "run in a circle and it will help".  He did and it did!  He is a big seven years old and it doesn't work as well now for him but last night I tried it for myself just for kicks.  Surprisingly it worked.  Run around a table or just in a big circle for 1 or 2 minutes and your brain will reboot and BING, the craving is gone.  Try it!

Breakfast - Silk Chocolate strawberry soy shake with protein powder (yeah! I remembered)
254 calories   

Lunch - chicken vegetable soup, two bread sticks, a sugar cookies and 1/2 a brownie.
515 calories

Snack - activia light yogurt
70 calories

Dinner - spaghetti with meat sauce, mixed veggies and some garlic bread
736 calories

Dessert - after the kids were in bed my husband and I snuck (hum? not a real word  guess) out to the park and enjoyed the nice weather and a good heart to heart.  It was heaven.  It was even better with some 7-11 nachos and a diet coke:)

I still managed to burn 250 calories more than I ate.

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