
What's for dinner?

I watched the movie "Food Inc" today and when it was over I cried.  Although a serious case could be made for major conspiracies (yes, plural),  I was overwhelmed with the fact that most of us don't even know where our food comes from.  Most of the food we eat really isn't food at all.  It made me even research my soy milk further.

It can be overwhelming and hopeless but if, in the very least, it gets us all reading labels more then we will all be healthier for it.  No one will be able to lose weight and maintain that weight loss without learning to read labels.  The best way to learn is just to start.  When you compare labels and choose the healthier one, you are on your way! 

What can you do today?  Stay home and cook a nice healthy meal.  It is the best thing you can do for your family.  I guarantee your family will love it.  Then afterward watch the movie and get a little more educated about what you are putting in your families' bodies. 

1 comment:

  1. I know! Right? I am reading the book, In Defense of Food. I'll let you know if it is any good.
