
Challenging DNA?

One of the things I have learned with this weight loss is how deceived I have been. Losing weight, especially getting thin, is portrayed as next to impossible. Stories of the Hollywood skinny living off of juiced dandelions or ever popular news reports about obesity in this country that make you feel like it is no choice but to give in to the fatness.

You have heard it a million times but I say it again "if I can do it, anybody can!" and it is not that hard. I have never felt deprived and I used to cry when I would go for another cookie and they were all gone ...true story. Chocolate chip cookies have been a source of motivation to get myself out of bed many a mornings (they are soooo good for breakfast, besides I used a little wheat flour in them, I figured they were at least equal to Fruit Loops;). If someone had told me sooner that life didn't have to completely ...well....suck (there is just no better word for it) losing weight I would have done this way before now.

Think about this. There is a widely accepted truth that DNA effects your probability to be obese. I wonder if that statement is made too casually. For example, my hubby is about 5'11" but averages in the 190's on the scale. He buys a size 32 pant. To look at him you would think he is muscular but not fat. However, he is borderline obese on the charts. I was with him at the doctor when needing to lose a little weight came up. I asked the doctor where he needed to lose weight and after a thorough look-over actually said "maybe in his neck". Seriously, there is no way he is jumping down to normal by shaving off a couple of inches from his neck!

My point is that if all that is considered in the mark of obesity is weight alone then one would get discouraged at the thought of DNA making you fat. Especially when your relations are "fat" as well. If you fed two people the same diet for one year, I think they would look similar. They might weigh very different and their body shapes would be different but I doubt that one would look obese while the other as skinny as a rail. However, that was the impression I got from all the media - lucky or doomed and nothing in between. Not even DNA can stop you from feeling your best and that is what this is about. YOU can do this!

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