
The Big Wheel Theory

Remember when you were a kid and you used to "borrow" the neighbor kids' Big Wheels while they napped? No?... well, maybe you actually had your own and didn't need to steal, I mean, "borrow". Those things were the best which is probably why I still feel jipped (is that a word?) for not having one.

You would get on and ride fast and low to the ground. If you were really lucky your neighbor had one that had a break. Just as you would get up to speed you would pull the break and skid for several feet and just maybe spin out if you were good. Pretty much this was the thrill of the whole thing, skidding and spinning until the neighbor woke up.

As a result of all this thrill seeking, the front wheel would became flat on one side and it would become harder and harder to get up to speed. The front tire would just skid for a several good peddles until finally the momentum would take over and you were on your way. It was a sad day when the neighbor kids' dad threw a perfectly good Big Wheel away because the front tire was just too worn out - no doubt wondering why it wore out too fast;)

Whenever I am starting something new I always give myself some "Big Wheel" slack. Most of the time there are going to be some skidding before the momentum takes over. I have found that when I allow myself a few slip-ups I have better success at the thrill ride that comes later. And, it will come because YOU CAN DO THIS!

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