
Day 3

So, today was the big weigh-in.  I had gained a couple of pounds but was actually pleasantly surprised.  Those last few days, I thought, were going to be the nails in my bigger coffin.  December 1st I blogged my weight as 132.8 and this morning 134.8.  Time to get moving...again.  I have found peace that this process is never ending.  There are parts of the gaining that are enjoyable and not so enjoyable and there are parts of the losing that are enjoyable and not so enjoyable, but you can't have one without the other. See how balance is the key?  Being thinner just keeps that balance on a smaller scale.  Fluctuation is 2-7 pounds rather than, say, 15-20.  The gaining really freaks some people out but, again, change that mindset and change has already happened.  It is more about the "freak" than anything else!     

I have to choose whether I pay more attention to the enjoyable or the not so enjoyable.  I hold the power.  Of course, it is not always easy.  Feeling joy doesn't magically happen.  I have to physically and purposely self-talk my way to focus on the joy a lot of the time.  The truth is, that is the really exhausting part of the whole thing.
For today's challenge I want you to write.  Either on the computer or by hand but write.  You can write about the holiday season or whatever you like.  It can be 10 words or 1000.  Just take a moment and document what is going on in your head.  It will feel good and someday when you see it again you will have an emotion - hopefully a good one.  It's magic!   

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving your daily challenge. I think it is great. I identify with checking in with your weight after the holidays. My lowest weight after I started the plan was 121.8 - that was being hard core. With cheats and just living my life, I maintained 125 for over a year. Now.... this holiday, the damage is reported. This morning I was 131. Ten pounds difference is a lot. But..... now I am focused again. For many months, I was just..... whatever. We'll see how long it takes me to get this treat stuff under control. Maybe daily fitness pal logging is in my future. Thanks for all the support.
