
Truths and Values

Truth is funny.  Today I was driving by a white van and I immediately wondered why they even make white cargo vans because "bad guys" drive them.  (I know.  It was a dumb thought that was just floating in and out of my head as I zoned out while driving)  Then I remembered the reason why I believed such a thing.  It came from my friend when I was about 6 or 7 years old.  It is funny how someone can tell you something and it can stick in your mind like absolute truth. 

One of the most important things I had to do was to figure out my own truths when it comes to weight loss.  That is really the "mind switch" because if it is really your truth then it doesn't matter what it is.  For example, take the low carb fad a few years ago.  The whole concept of low carb/no carb eating sounded completely logical and many people lost weight on those diets.  But, after those truths stopped proving to be wonderful and true, the diets don't have as much success these days.   Your head plays a huge part in your outcome. 

Values are another word to use.  I would write down what I value in eating and what I do not.  For example, date night is something I value.  I will make room for date night in my life, food and all.  However, sugar drinks are not my thing.  A snow cone is last on my lists of delights so my truth is I can turn down a snow cone when offered and not give a hootin' hat about it.  In the past I had not taken the time to evaluate and would have taken the snow cone because I was supposed to like it right?  Cold, tasty.  What more could you want?  If I was eating one sugary drink a day I could cut that out and save at least a couple hundred calories.

If you can create your own set of truths based on your values, you will find ways you can cut down and by cutting down you will lose weight.  It is that simple. 

1 comment:

  1. You don't like SNOW CONES????? How could that possibly be????
    There's nothing quite as tasty as a good Tigers blood on a 99 degree day!

    Alright, I do see you point though.... and point well taken.
    I COULD have/SHOULD have skipped the snickerdoodles (that didn't even turn out good) on Sunday night, so that I could have more enjoyed a family night treat on Monday.
