
My Routine

I get asked so often about my exercise routine that I am just going to spell in out for everyone.  I am always reluctant to share because everyone is in a different place.  I have worked for a year and a half to get to this place which is funny when you see what I do.  I have one rule for exercise and that is to take it easy (or "raker reasy cluck cluck" says Gus the mouse in Cinderella).

I started with 20 minutes on the elliptical at 2 intensity and then, every so often, I would think "I bet I can kick it up a notch" and I would.  I never really pushed myself I always welcomed the change or the challenge.  I read that you need to be drenched in sweat to really have worked out but I disagree.  I hope to one day get to that point but for now I try to avoid sweat at all costs.   

So here goes...

My elliptical has several measurements that I keep track of.  They are distance, calories burned, fat calories burned and time.  

I get on the elliptical at an 8 intensity (my hardest is 10) and go until the distance reads .10 of a mile then I pedal backwards until it reads .15 then pedal forward, .20 backwards again until I reach 1/4 of a mile (.25).   I check my calories and should be close to about 185 and my time at least 11 minutes.  If I need more time I know that I have gone a little faster that day which usually is a good sign.  If I am over 11 minutes I know that I am dragging a little. 

On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday I get off, get some 5 pound weights and do 3 sets of 15.  I have 4 different arm exercises I do.  Sometimes when the days are hard I may mix it up or count backwards - anything to get it done.  Most days I am dancing between sets feeling good. 

I then get back on the elliptical and go forward until I am at .05 of a mile.  Then I pedal backwards until .10 of a mile.  I then change to calories burned.  I should be at about 75ish and I go until I have burned 125 calories (my numbers have all cleared out while I am using my weights).  I change and follow fat calories and am at about 40.  I keep going until I reach 55 fat calories burned and then I check my time and go until I reach 11 minutes. 

I again grab my weights and do three more sets of fifteen.  I do arm exercises but they require more use of my abs. 

That is it!  On Wednesday and Saturday I just do the elliptical.  It is a rare week that I am able to have a perfect week.  A goal I hope to achieve is to wake up earlier when I need to be somewhere and still get a workout in but for now I just skip.  Overall I get at least five workouts in a week and I don't consider it a burden at all.  Sure there are the days I HATE it but they are the exception.  My secret would have to be smaller goals.  If I had to just stare at a clock and get my 22 minutes in I would HATE it a whole lot more. 

Get moving and making those goals!!


  1. I know you like doin' your thing at home, but it would be fun to have you at the gym with me. :) Oh, I don't think I told you. We switched and now go where Monte goes. :)

  2. I SO love this blog. Didn't get to comment on your last post, but good golly I needed to read that.
    I KNOW all those things on the list are true, but it does sound so daunting to me. I haven't had a true aha moment yet, but sure working on it. Let's just hope this Nelson can figure it out before another 20 pounds hops on to stay.

  3. You are the woMAN!! I have been thinking about getting an eliptical and have always wondered if they actually do anything. You are proof that they work. I am sold. I totally want one now!
